Earth Timing Tests

Here is a table of some timing tests.
ozone 9x330

nk degree earth  ------------------time ratios-----------------------------   ------------------grsq------------------------
          time   mars minspan=1 no-fastk fastk=10 fastk=5 no-bcache allowed   earth mars minspan=1 no-fastk fastk=10 fastk=5

21    1   0.021  0.96   1.1      1.0       1.0     1.0      1.1       1.0     0.77  0.77   0.77      0.77     0.77    0.77
21    2   0.059  1.6    1.3      1.0       0.97    0.68     1.3       1.1     0.79  0.78   0.79      0.79     0.79    0.79
21    3   0.074  1.4    1.3      1.0       0.84    0.6      1.3       1.1     0.8   0.79   0.79      0.8      0.8     0.8
21   10   0.077  1.4    1.3      1.0       0.82    0.59     1.3       1.1     0.8   0.79   0.79      0.8      0.8     0.8

51    1   0.032  1.9    1.6      1.0       1.0     1.0      1.2       1.1     0.78  0.77   0.78      0.78     0.78    0.78
51    2   0.25   2.6    1.3      1.0       0.74    0.43     1.7       1.1     0.8   0.8    0.81      0.8      0.81    0.8
51    3   0.32   3      1.4      1.3       0.61    0.34     1.7       1.1     0.82  0.8    0.81      0.81     0.81    0.8
51   10   0.34   3.3    1.4      1.5       0.63    0.38     1.6       1.1     0.81  0.82   0.82      0.81     0.8     0.8

101   1   0.034  2.0    1.9      1.0       1.0     1.0      1.2       1.1     0.78  0.77   0.78      0.78     0.78    0.78
101   2   0.65   3.9    1.5      1.0       0.67    0.33     2.1       1.1     0.81  0.8    0.82      0.81     0.8     0.82
101   3   0.86   5.5    1.6      1.8       0.53    0.28     2.0       1.1     0.82  0.83   0.81      0.82     0.82    0.8
101  10   0.85   8.5    1.5      2.7       0.62    0.35     1.9       1.1     0.83  0.83   0.81      0.83     0.83    0.81

robot arm 30x3000

nk degree earth  ------------------time ratios-----------------------------   ------------------grsq------------------------
          time   mars minspan=1 no-fastk fastk=10 fastk=5 no-bcache allowed   earth mars minspan=1 no-fastk fastk=10 fastk=5

21    1   0.24   1.9    1.2      1.0       1.0     0.98     1.1       0.98    0.78  0.79   0.78      0.78     0.78    0.78
21    2   1.3    1.5    1.6      1.0       1.0     0.68     1.3       1.0     0.9   0.9    0.89      0.9      0.9     0.9
21    3   2.2    1.6    1.4      1.0       0.8     0.52     1.3       1.0     0.91  0.9    0.9       0.91     0.91    0.9
21   10   2.4    1.6    1.4      1.0       0.77    0.47     1.3       1.0     0.91  0.9    0.9       0.91     0.91    0.9

51    1   0.23   8      1.4      1.1       1.1     1.0      1.2       1.1     0.78  0.79   0.78      0.78     0.78    0.78
51    2   5.5    2.3    1.4      1.0       0.89    0.29     1.6       1.0     0.94  0.94   0.95      0.94     0.94    0.91
51    3   11     2.5    1.5      1.2       0.55    0.16     1.6       1.1     0.97  0.96   0.97      0.97     0.96    0.92
51   10   12     3.1    1.5      1.5       0.57    0.32     1.6       1.0     0.97  0.96   0.97      0.97     0.96    0.94

101   1   0.24   14     1.3      1.0       1.1     1.1      1.3       1.1     0.78  0.79   0.78      0.78     0.78    0.78
101   2   5.9    11     1.4      1.0       0.89    0.28     1.6       1.0     0.94  0.95   0.95      0.94     0.94    0.91
101   3   16     11     1.4      1.1       0.47    0.11     1.6       1.0     0.97  0.98   0.97      0.97     0.96    0.92
101  10   19     14     1.4      1.2       0.38    0.22     1.6       1.0     0.98  0.98   0.97      0.97     0.96    0.94

201   1   0.25   14     1.3      1.1       1.2     1.2      1.2       1.2     0.78  0.79   0.78      0.78     0.78    0.78
201   2   6.3    66     1.3      1.0       0.89    0.28     1.5       1.0     0.94  0.95   0.95      0.94     0.94    0.91
201   3   17     91     1.4      1.1       0.47    0.11     1.6       1.0     0.97  0.99   0.97      0.97     0.96    0.92
201  10   20     139    1.4      1.3       0.38    0.22     1.6       1.0     0.98  1.0    0.97      0.97     0.96    0.94

The reference model for each line is earth with default arguments and with minspan=0 (i.e. automatically calculate the minimum span as per the MARS paper). Note that the default fastk is 20.

The times in the "earth time" column are in seconds.
The "mars" columns are for the Hastie/Tibshirani implementation mda:mars.
The time ratios are relative to the earth reference model. Smaller means faster i.e. small values are better.
The ozone data is the ozone1 data included with the earth package. It has 330 cases and 9 predictors.
The robot arm is from Friedman's Fast MARS paper, with 3000 cases and 25 noise predictors in addition to the 5 original predictors.

The measurements were made using R 2.6-1 and earth 1.2-2 on a 3 Ghz Pentium running Windows XP.

Here is the code to generate the results above:
# earth-times.R

library(mda) # for mars

test <- function(nk, degree, use.ozone) {
    if (use.ozone) {
        # example of a small model: 9 predictors 330 cases

        x = ozone1[,-1]
        y = ozone1[,1]
        niters <- 100
    } else {
        # example of a bigger model: 30 predictors 3000 cases

        robotArm <- function(x) { # lifted from Friedman's Fast MARS paper
          x. <- with(x, l1 * cos(theta1) - l2 * cos(theta1 + theta2) * cos(phi))
          y  <- with(x, l1 * sin(theta1) - l2 * sin(theta1 + theta2) * cos(phi))
          z  <- with(x, l2 * sin(theta2) * sin(phi))
          sqrt(x.^2 + y^2 + z^2)
        set.seed(1)   # for reproducibility
        ncases <- 3000
        l1     <- runif(ncases, 0, 1)
        l2     <- runif(ncases, 0, 1)
        theta1 <- runif(ncases, 0, 2 * pi)
        theta2 <- runif(ncases, 0, 2 * pi)
        phi    <- runif(ncases, -pi/2, pi/2)
        x <- cbind(l1, l2, theta1, theta2, phi)
        for (i in 1:25) # 25 dummy vars, so 30 vars in total
           x <- cbind(x, runif(ncases, 0, 1))
        x <- data.frame(x)
        y <- robotArm(x)
        niters <- 5
    e.time <- system.time(e <- for (i in 1:niters)
        earth(x, y, nk=nk, degree=degree, minspan=0))
    gcv.null <- e$gcv.per.subset[1]
    e.grsq <- 1 - e$gcv/gcv.null

    e.minspan1.time <- system.time(e.minspan1 <- for (i in 1:niters)
        earth(x, y, nk=nk, degree=degree, minspan=1))

    e.fastk0.time <- system.time(e.fastk0 <- for (i in 1:niters)
        earth(x, y, nk=nk, degree=degree, minspan=0, fast.k=0))

    e.fastk10.time <- system.time(e.fastk10 <- for (i in 1:niters)
        earth(x, y, nk=nk, degree=degree, minspan=0, fast.k=10))

    e.fastk5.time <- system.time(e.fastk5 <- for (i in 1:niters)
        earth(x, y, nk=nk, degree=degree, minspan=0, fast.k=5))

    e.nobcache.time <- system.time(e.nobcache <- for (i in 1:niters)
        earth(x, y, nk=nk, degree=degree, minspan=0, Use.beta.cache=FALSE))

    # dummy func to estimate time taken by an "allowed" function
    allowed <- function(degree, pred, parents)
        if (degree > 0 && (parents[1] == 999 || pred == 999))
            return(FALSE) # never get here
    e.allowed.time <- system.time(e.allowed <- for (i in 1:niters)
      earth(x, y, nk=nk, degree=degree, minspan=0, allowed=allowed))

    m.time <- system.time(m <- for (i in 1:niters)
         mars(x, y, degree=degree,  nk=nk))
    m.grsq <- 1 - m$gcv/gcv.null

    cat("\t    ",
        nk, "\t",
        degree, "\t",
        e.time[1] / niters, "\t",
        m.time[1]          / e.time[1], "\t",
        e.minspan1.time[1] / e.time[1], "\t\t",
        e.fastk0.time[1]   / e.time[1], "\t",
        e.fastk10.time[1]  / e.time[1], "\t",
        e.fastk5.time[1]   / e.time[1], "\t",
        e.nobcache.time[1] / e.time[1], "\t",
        e.allowed.time[1]  / e.time[1], "\t ",
        e.grsq, "\t",
        m.grsq, "\t",
        e.minspan1$grsq, "\t",
        e.fastk0$grsq, "\t",
        e.fastk10$grsq, "\t",
        e.fastk5$grsq, "\n")
cat("data         nk     degree       earth   ")
cat("------------------time ratios---------------------------------  ")
cat("                                 time    ")
cat("mars   minspan=1   no-fastk fastk=10 fastk=5 no-bcache allowed  ")
cat("earth   mars minspan=1 no-fastk fastk=10 fastk=5\n")

cat("ozone 9x330\n");
test(nk=21, degree=1,  use.ozone=1)
test(nk=21, degree=2,  use.ozone=1)
test(nk=21, degree=3,  use.ozone=1)
test(nk=21, degree=10, use.ozone=1)

test(nk=51, degree=1,  use.ozone=1)
test(nk=51, degree=2,  use.ozone=1)
test(nk=51, degree=3,  use.ozone=1)
test(nk=51, degree=10, use.ozone=1)

test(nk=101, degree=1,  use.ozone=1)
test(nk=101, degree=2,  use.ozone=1)
test(nk=101, degree=3,  use.ozone=1)
test(nk=101, degree=10, use.ozone=1)

cat("\nrobot arm 30x3000\n");
test(nk=21, degree=1,  use.ozone=0)
test(nk=21, degree=2,  use.ozone=0)
test(nk=21, degree=3,  use.ozone=0)
test(nk=21, degree=10, use.ozone=0)

test(nk=51, degree=1,  use.ozone=0)
test(nk=51, degree=2,  use.ozone=0)
test(nk=51, degree=3,  use.ozone=0)
test(nk=51, degree=10, use.ozone=0)

test(nk=101, degree=1,  use.ozone=0)
test(nk=101, degree=2,  use.ozone=0)
test(nk=101, degree=3,  use.ozone=0)
test(nk=101, degree=10, use.ozone=0)

test(nk=201, degree=1,  use.ozone=0)
test(nk=201, degree=2,  use.ozone=0)
test(nk=201, degree=3,  use.ozone=0)
test(nk=201, degree=10, use.ozone=0)

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